Fundraising | Pledges & Recurring Gifts
- Ask Your Donors To Donate Credit Card Processing Fees
- Using the Make It Monthly Popup Option
- ARTICLE | Recurring Gifts, Sustaining Gifts, Monthly Gifts
- ARTICLE | Why Successful Organizations Offer ACH
- Scheduling Recurring Pledges
- How to Change the Credit Card Number on Pledges
Fundraising | Search
Fundraising | Reports
- Make a Fundraising Roster
- Donor Counts Report
- Reports to Identify Top Donors and Lapsed Donors
- Making a Grouped Fundraising Roster
- Download a report of members that gave LAST year but not yet THIS year
- Using the Donation Thermometer
Fundraising | Basics
- A Crash Course in Using the Fundraising Tool
- Triggering Renewal Dates with Donations
- Using Campaign Types
- Setting up Automatic Membership Renewal for a Campaign Segment
- Campaign Structure
- VIDEO | How to Set up Campaigns