A number of the fundraising reports built into your Databank give you the ability to easily and quickly identify your top donors and donors who may have lapsed. Use these reports to find the donors with whom you want to cultivate an existing relationship, or donors whom you want to reengage.
Most Value Member
The Most Value Member Report lets you identify your top donors in a granular way. You can select the number of records you want returned, and filter them by campaign, payment type and time period.
This report can be found in FUNDRAISING > REPORTS > DONOR
Donor Counts Report
The Donor Counts report will show donor counts based on desired criteria. For example, by largest contribution and most recent contribution.
This report can be found in DASHBOARD > DONOR COUNTS
Tier Donor Breakdown
The Tier Donor Breakdown breaks all your donors into separate giving tiers. You can configure these tiers to cover specific time frames and the amount of the different tiers.
This report can be found in FUNDRAISING > REPORTS > DONOR
LYBNT: Last Year But Not This Year
A one click report which identifies every donor who gave last year but has not yet given this year.
The Lapsed Donor report gives you the same results, but is configurable for any time frame
These reports can be found in FUNDRAISING > REPORTS > DONOR
Dormant Member Report
Reengage with your donors who have slipped through the cracks by identifying them with the Dormant Member Report. This report let's you choose the amount of time since the last donation and the number of months they have gone without opening an email. Find and reengage with these once valuable donors.
This report can be found in MEMBERS > REPORTS > DONORS
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