Buliding a Form Using the Form Tool
Go to your menu and select Forms. Active forms are listed at the top and expired forms are listed at the bottom of the page.
To edit an existing form, click the Edit icon next to that form.
To create a new form, click the green circle with the plus sign. Choose the type of form and enter a unique 15 character form ID and title. Click the Create New Form button.
To clone an existing form, click the Edit icon and then the Duplicate button. Give the cloned form a new form ID. Edit the title and other settings on the Form Properties page.
Host URL is for use with iframe forms. If you'll be using an iframe with this form, set up a page on your website to hold the iframe. Enter the web address in the Host URL box.
In the source code box, type the text that you'd enter into the member source field when they fill out this form. Choose a default state if most people filling out this form are from one state.
The "Form expires on" and "Form-expired message" can be used to turn your form off at a certain date and time.
To add a badge showing your form is secure, check the show SSL seal box and enter the text to show with the badge. By default, your form will show a summary of data entered on previous pages to the constituent. "Comments about this form" can be used as a private note; this will not show on the form.
Click the Contribution tab and enter introductory text. Select a Fundraising Campaign with this form. Click the Edit icon to add segments or choices for the constituent. Add a caption, input type, and amount per payment. Select one time, open ended recurring or fixed interval payment. Choose an input type; choose only two per form. Radio and Text Other Amount are the most common choices. Rearrange by clicking and holding the arrows in the left column. Click Submit to save changes.
Select which payment options your organization will accept. Your payment processor may not allow your organization to use all options. To see your form, click the View button.
Click Personal to edit personal information for the form. Add or rearrange the personal fields for the form. Select Required for required information and edit the Caption if needed.
Check the Include Subscriptions box to allow people filling out the form to subscribe to publications.
Click the Thanks button to edit the page the constituent will see after they complete the form. Reassure them that their information has been received successfully and redirect them to your website for further engagement.
Click the Email tab to edit the email the constituent will receive after they complete the form.
If an email address is not required on the form, but your organization wants notice the form was completed, select the "Send CC/BCC" box.
Click the Contact tab to edit the contact note that will be created when the form is filled out.
When finished making edits, click View to see the form again, and copy the address from the toolbar. This is the address to use to link the form to the website or any other place to publicize the form.
Super excited! Great video too.
Cool :) this is a great new feature. Thank you!
Fantastic! I've been hoping you would do something like this.
I'd love to see how other groups using the petition forms.
Hi Lindy,
Petition forms are still a little rare in the wild but here is one example: https://www.thedatabank.com/dpg/438/personal2petition.asp?formid=NJDirt
This layout is achieved by inserting a table with two columns in the Section Intro. What I like about it is that there is the official statement that the person is 'signing' set apart from addtional background info.
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