The Batch Data Tool allows an admin to setup a spreadsheet-like form to enter new contact records and contribution data straight into the database instead of entering a new contact one at a time.
This tool is great for data entry volunteers or a quick way to enter in a stack of donation checks.
How to Setup a Batch Entry Form
Go to Administration > Batch Setup
Click the plus icon
You will have the ability to use these Batch Entry Forms multiple times.
Example - You could set up one Batch Entry Form for inputting new records from rallies or sign-up sheets. You could create another for entering large amounts of donation checks at one time.
1. Enter a title.
2. Choose the number of entries you want to appear on a single page on the Entry Form.
In the Personal Data Entry and Contribution Data Entry sections, place checkmarks in the applicable columns for each field:
- Properties Form: This is where you set the batch code and any default settings. (Example - If all of your constituents are from Iowa, you can set the bundle so that the State value is always set to IA. This means you don’t have to type the IA each time you enter a new record.)
- Entry form: The form used to enter data.
- Confirm form: You use this form to verify the accuracy of data that’s been entered using the Entry form and to combine duplicate information.
- Post form: A form which Is used as a final check before data is submitted to the database.
How to Enter Batch Data
Go to Contacts > Enter Batch
Create a new batch by clicking the plus icon.
Fill out the default information as needed.
Click Submit.
1. Click on the Entry tab
2. Enter data according to batch setup.
3. Click Save to finish and save your work.
4. Click Save & New Page to enter in a new page of data.
5. Click Save and Confirm if you are finished and have Confirm permission. This will take you to the confirmation step
The confirm step includes de-duplication so you can prevent new records from being added where members already exist. (It is possible to assign the confirmation step to a staff member other than your data entry person. Use User Permissions to set this up.)
1. Attribute the new information as a New Record
2. If the database suspects that a record in a batch is a duplicate, you will have the option to attribute the new information to an Existing Record. If you choose to attribute it to an existing member, select one of the following from the pull down list:
• Leave existing data unchanged - Any new data entry will be ignored and not posted
• Add data to existing blank fields
• Update with new non-blank data - Indicates information has been added
• Overwrite all fields even where new data is blank Information. Data you enter here supersedes all information previously-entered for this member
3. If you are done, click Save
4. If, when you’ve confirmed a record, you wish to continue data entry, click Save & New Page
5. If you want to delete the entry entirely, click Delete Selected
Posting data is the step where data is actually entered into your database. (This task is often assigned to a person other than the data entry and confirmation person. Use User Permissions to set this up.)
1. Click on the Post tab.
2. The Post Batch screen displays. Check to make sure that all entries have been confirmed by noting that the Status is confirmed. Clicking on confirmed/unconfirmed brings you back into the confirm dialog.
3. In the Existing Member data pull down list, you can override choices made in the confirmation step:
- Choose LEAVE (the default entry) to ignore any new data entry; data entry will not be posted
- Choose ADD to add the person as a new record
- Choose UPDATE to update information for an existing member
- Choose OVERWRITE to have the new information overwrite existing information.
4. When you are through checking records, click Post Confirmed Entries.
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