1. Look up the contact records you want to merge through one of the Search tools
*** For this example we went into Personal > Looked up any contact record where the last name equals Smith. You can always perform a de-duping of contact records without having a contact selection.
2. Go to Data Tools drop-down > select Duplicates
3. Once you are in the duplicates page you will want to follow the following steps:
- Select what field you'd like to compare within the Find duplicate Contacts by comparing: dropdown. In this case we are comparing by email address but you can always choose to compare other fields.
- You will want to select the Master Record, which will be the main record where all information will be copied or appended to.
- Check off the EZ-Merge checkbox to check off all contact records that will be merged together. Please note if there is a contact record or multiple contacts records that you do not want to merge then you can click on the Un-Group icon to remove it from the merging selection.
- Once you are ready to merge your contacts you can click on the EZ-Merge button.
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