
The Body provides general settings for your email message.
They are inherited by structure and content blocks. For example, the font family set in the message settings is then used everywhere in your message, except where you use a custom setting.
This is useful to build a coherent message very quickly.

Here you can find different types of rows to insert into the message.
Rows are structural units that define the horizontal composition of a section of the message by using columns. You can have up to four columns, but it is best practice to use only one or two. The lesser amount of columns, the easier it is for your mobile viewers to read your message.
Using more than one column allows you to put different content elements side by side.
You can add to your messages all the structural elements you need, regardless of the template you selected when you started.
Every row has its own settings, which gives you the kind of flexibility that before was only achieved with hand-coded email.
For example, you can select a background color for the entire row, only the message area, or a specific column within it.

This section includes a series of tiles that represent the different kinds of media you can use in your message. More will become available in the future.
To use them, just drag one inside a column, it will auto-adjust to the column width.
Every content block has it owns settings, such as granular control on padding.
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