What are short codes?
Short Codes are a way to provide your constituents an easy way to access specific actions via a text message (SMS).
Short codes are brief, single word messages sent to a predetermined number via SMS. When the message is received, a response is sent back to the requester. In your Advocacy system, you have the ability to create your own custom short code along with the response message sent back. Most often, the response back is a link to a particular action you want people to take.
Examples of when this could be beneficial:
- Lobby Day - Present banners or placards at a Lobby Day event with the message, "Text ACT to 25994". When the action taker sends the message, they receive back a link to send a message to their legislator.
- Press Event - Have a banner in the background with your message and number. Respondents receive a link to sign up for your Action Alerts.
- PowerMail - Include a SMS link in a CTA button in your PowerMail issue. When the recipient clicks the link, an SMS message is sent to your Advocacy software with a response directing them to complete a Click-to-Call Phone Action which patches them through to their legislator.
How it works
In your Advocacy system, you can have up to three distinct short codes assigned to your organization*. Each of these short codes should be a short, clear code that can be texted. Short codes are not unlimited and are shared among other clients, so if you need a specific code for your organizational needs, I suggest claiming them soon.
*Additional short codes are available at $100 / year.
Each of your short codes can be set up with a unique response, and because each response can be edited, you are free to reuse your dedicated short codes. After receiving the short code you designated, the response is sent to the individual who sent the text. This response can include a link, a message or an image. Additionally, each response will include the the brief terms and conditions verbiage.
Each message sent through your Advocacy system has a cost of $.04. This means that every time a SMS is sent that will total $.08 or more. $.04 for the short code message sent, $.04 for the response. If your response is more than 160 characters the message will be split into multiple messages.
At the end of each month you will be billed directly by theSoftEdge, our Advocacy partners, for any charges incurred using the short codes.
How to set it up
1. In your Advocacy system, click Short Code in the available sections on the left menu.
2. Click add a New Keyword.
3. Create your keyword and the response message.
4. Monitor your keyword usage and monthly costs using the built-in dashboard.
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