Use search queries of subscriptions and activity histories to track who is subscribed to your publications and whom has unsubscribed.
Find subscribers with a Subscription query
Go to SEARCH > SUBSCRIPTIONS and select the appropriate publication.
This will show you everyone who is currently subscribed to your publications.
Find individuals who have subscribed or unsubscribed with an Activity query
Understanding the Activity History
When an activity history has been modified by the contact, rather than by someone logged int your Databank, the record will always be BY member.
Different Activity Types in your Activity History:
- Subscribe Prefs: the contact subscribed to the publications listed in the Note
- UNSUB: the contact unsubscribed from the publication in the Note after receiving the publication in a PowerMail
- UNSUB OTHER: the contact unsubscribed from the publication in the Note after receiving a different publication in PowerMail
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