Some custom data tabs allow a person to have multiple versions rather than modifying a single record. Most of the time, you do not want to give your constituents access to view of edit those pre-existing records.
If you are interested in creating a form that allows your users to view or edit previous records, please contact support.
These are the fields that will appear in the online version of your form for data entry purposes. Each row represents either a data field from your custom table or some text you would like to insert between prompts. By default all of the data fields from your custom tab will be included in this section. Typically then, your editing process will be to remove data fields you don't want to appear on the form and change any captions to more user friendly text.
To reorder any of the options as they will appear on your online form, simply click and drag them to reorder.
To edit the text of an option, change any properties, or remove it from the online form, click the Edit icon.
The field is what we use to match up the online form with your custom data tab.
The caption is the text that will appear next to the input on the online form.
The input type controls how your constituent will be able to enter the data or if the row is being used only for text.
- Hidden: nothing will be shown to the constituent but a default value can be entered into your database.
- Checkbox: will either create a single checkbox or when used with a select group, can create an array of options.
- Textinput: allows your constituents to enter their own text. Text input lines are only one line in height.
- Dropdown: can only be used with a select group. Allows your constituent to only choose a single option from an array of options.
- MultiSelect: can only be used with a select group. Allows your constituent to choose multiple options but is less conventional than checkboxes.
-TextArea: allows your constituents to enter their own text. The text input area can be as wide or high as you wish.
-Hidden-Current Date: No prompt will be displayed to your constituent but the current date will be filled in to your custom data tab.
-Hidden-Current Date & Time: same as above but with a time stamp.
-Formtext : only the text entered in the caption will be displayed.
-TextInput-Append: to avoid having your constituent overwrite preexisting data, choose TextInput-Append.
-Hidden-Append: to avoid overwriting preexisting data, choose Hidden-Append.
The select group corresponds to a list of options that preexists in your Databank. By default the list used will correspond to the same list that is being used in your custom table. It is possible to have this list consist of a subset of those options. If you would like to have a custom list set up for this form, please contact support with what you would like that list to consist of.
Input, width, and height control how large the text input field will be if you are using either a TextInput or TextArea Input Type. When using a TextInput field you can only specify the width.
Default corresponds to what information you would like entered by default. This can be used with any of the input types except Formtext. If the option is not hidden, your constituent will have the opportunity to change this before submitting the form.
If you are using a single check box, Checked will check that box by default.
Required indicates whether your constituent must fill out that specific field to complete their form submission.
Deleting a field
Click the Edit Icon next to the option that you would like to delete. This will take you to a new page where you can edit the option or in this case, click the Delete option to remove it. You can always recreate an option later.
Editing a Caption
Click the Edit Icon next to the option which has the caption you would like to edit. On the ensuing page, you can replace the default text with any text you wish. Note that basic HTML can be added to the caption to spruce up your text.
Adding a Hidden Date
On your form, you have the ability to enter a Sign up Date. It's unnecessary for your constituent to enter this as it can automatically be inserted into their record. Because the option will be hidden, it is not required to enter a caption or input width.
Inserting a Hidden Default Value
As an example, let's say that I'm soliciting volunteers for phone banking and don't want to allow people to specify other interests. In that case, I would change the Input type to Hidden-Append and enter a default value that corresponds to what I would like to be checked in my database.
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