Print contribution receipt/thank you
CompletedI LOVE the ability to generate an email contribution receipt from the Edit Contribution screen, but some donors don't give us an email. It would be great to be able to have that information fill into a document to print. The best way would be if the data from the contribution populated a canned "thank you" form that was customized to the organization, either dumping it into a Word document, or even generating a webpage (.pdf?) that could be printed immediately. But even if it just dumped the contribution info into a document unedited, like it does to the email, would be helpful.
I'm starting to use the email feature by using the button to create the email, then pasting canned language into the body of the email and manually entering the donor's name in the salutation. The receipt information from the DB ends up being a postscript to the thank you. This works well in Gmail - not sure about other programs, but I could see it working in a Word Doc or even a Google Doc.
- Mike Engleson, Wisconsin Lakes
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I AGREE. This would save me loads of time in Mail Merge for our thank you letters. People love that they get our thank you letter instantly when they donate online. It takes me too long to get the others done with mail merge to say nothing of the mailing cost.
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