Additions to List of Available Fields for Custom Table Rosters Reports
RE: Additions to List of Available Fields for Custom Table Rosters Reports
Hello there Again,
I know I just bothered you with a different request that is still in the making, but I have one more.
I am working on pulling Reports out of the Databank, and I was wondering if there is a way to add to the list of "Available Fields" to pull from when I am creating a "Custom Table Rosters" under the Members' Report Tab. Specifically, I would like the ability to include the following: (1) Extended Notes (2) Contact History (perhaps just the last five contacts and the notes associated with those contacts?) (3) materials distributed (4) Trainings/Interviews and (5) Meetings.
I realize some of these may be a bit "Pie in the Sky" but I figured it couldn't help but to ask.
Again thank you for your assistance on this! I really do appreciate. It will make my job so very much easier! If you have any questions on these, please feel free to give me a call.
Have a good day,
Alyssa Cudmore
Equity Policy Specialist
503-223-8197 ext 109
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