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Allow comped registrations and zero dollar contributions.




  • Official comment
    Marcos Lopez-Carlson

    This feature is now enabled in all Databanks.

  • John Perez

    Adam, thanks for adding this to Feature Requests! We had to have a custom form made for our event this year, but it still requires much on the back-end in order to get a soft credit properly made for individuals who are part of a larger contribution. And, as you mention, it would allow for any comped tickets that we need to give away.

    My ultimate hope is that this can eventually be made part of the Meetings Module. Lack of this feature there was in large part the necessity of a custom form being needed.




    John Perez


  • Steven Streib

    This is probably the easiest way for any organizations that use Databank to differentiate between free registrations. The ability to do this would certainly make the registration forms more useful for any specific application's interface with Databank.

  • Emily Hockenberry

    This would be super helpful for us as well - Suzanne, PACDC


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