html editor for event/meeting description pages
CompletedIt would be nice if we could include basic html in our meeting/event descriptions so we could add an event logo and or a table containing an event schedule or pictures and stuff like that.
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As of March, we've added a simple HTML editor to the Meetings/Events "Meeting Details" area (as well as a well other places within the Module). You'll now be able to deliver more dynamic and interesting meeting details without writing the HTML yourself!
FYI for the geekier among us, you can include HTML tags in the description. Here's a cheat sheet on basic HTML tags/codes:
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Also, here is a link to a How-To Support Article:
It gives a bit more detail about where in the system HTML can be used as well as some intro HTML to consider. If you are already comfortable with HTML, give it a whirl by putting HTML in the meeting/event description and see how it looks on the live page!
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cool! ::Thumbs Up::
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