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Any interest in county level action alerts?

Not planned



  • Jen Lynch

    We've actually used the system to do county level alerts in the past and probably will again in the future when issues we're working on come in front of local government.

  • Permanently deleted user

    From Adam (who emailed me this):

    "We have endorsed at the county and local levels before, but have done so sparingly since funding is tight. However, all politics is local, and the more we can engage citizens on the connections between local environmental fights and statewide environmental policy, the more active and powerful of members and constituents we have.


    So, yes depending on cost and organizational capacity to handle such an effort, I would love to see thedatabank include county and potentially municipal government contacts for action alerts. I believe we could do a lot of organizing and build our membership around such a service."

  • Joshua Klainberg

    We've issued county-wide action alerts and they've been quite popular. What we'd really be interested in is county district information so we can better target not only the chief executive but also the elected representative of a county be it a county legislator, city council member, alderman, etc...

  • Bob Palmer

    We had the Databank add Cook County Commissioner info (IL's largest county, which includes Chicago) to the target database a few years ago for a campaign we were working on, but haven't done any county level work since then.  Not sure of our future interest.  Illinois has 104 counties, although 2/3 of the population lives in just six of those counties.

  • Ben Gregory

    We'd could use that feature

  • Patience Caso

    I believe some of our member groups would use this feature.  Much of our non-collaborative work is at the local level, particularly county level.


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